
How Nexi Supercharges ISO/Brokers and Their Merchants: Tips and a Success Story from Angie Marks

In the dynamic and competitive world of ISO/brokers, providing exceptional support to merchants is essential for long-term success. Today, we are thrilled to bring you an insightful interview with Angie Marks, the Director of ISO Relations at Nexi.

In the dynamic and competitive world of ISO/brokers, providing exceptional support to merchants is essential for long-term success. Today, we are thrilled to bring you an insightful interview with Angie Marks, the Director of ISO Relations at Nexi. With four years of industry experience and a background in sales and chef placement in the food industry, Angie brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role.

In this interview, Angie shares her top tips for ISO/brokers, discusses common mistakes to avoid during the funding process, and emphasizes the importance of understanding merchants’ businesses. She also highlights a recent success story that demonstrates the profound impact of Nexi’s financial solutions. Dive into Angie’s insights and learn how you can better support your merchants in navigating the financial landscape.

Meet Angie Marks

Name: Angie Marks
Title/Role: Director of ISO
Years of Experience: 4 years
Background: 10 years of sales experience in the food industry and chef placement

Tips for ISO/Brokers

1. Can you share your top tips for ISO/brokers to help their merchants succeed in securing funding?

Angie Marks:

“Clear communication and explaining the exact details of our customized alternative financing solutions is crucial. It helps merchants understand the benefits and set realistic expectations.”

2. What common mistakes do you see ISO/brokers make during the funding process, and how can they avoid them?
Angie Marks: “Overpromising and underdelivering is a common pitfall. Be realistic about how we can help the merchant and ensure they are truly eligible for the funding. Setting accurate expectations builds trust and leads to better outcomes.”
3. How important is it for ISO/brokers to understand their merchants’ businesses, and what are the best ways to gain this understanding?
Angie Marks: “It’s very important to assess the merchant’s revenue, industry type, and the reasons they need funds. Taking the time to understand these aspects allows brokers to tailor their approach and provide the most suitable solutions.”
4. What role does clear and accurate financial documentation play in the funding process?
Angie Marks: “It’s a huge part of the process. We need to ensure that all bank statements report live and factual information. Accurate documentation speeds up the process and increases the chances of securing funding.”
5. Can you provide examples of how effective communication with lenders has helped in securing funding for merchants?
Angie Marks: “Building a positive relationship with lenders can facilitate smoother negotiations and increase the likelihood of loan approval.”

Success Story: A BBQ Restaurant in Texas

Angie shares a recent success story that highlights the impact of Nexi’s financial solutions:

“We recently funded a popular BBQ restaurant in Texas with $170K in funding. This boost will help them acquire new equipment and continue serving their delicious BBQ and blues experience. It’s stories like these that highlight the impact of our work and the importance of supporting small and medium-sized businesses.”

Achieve Similar Success

Nexi is committed to helping ISO/brokers support their merchants in navigating the financial landscape. By following these tips and leveraging Nexi’s financial solutions, ISO/brokers can provide the stability and growth potential their merchants need.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Partner with Nexi to secure funding for your merchants and grow your business. Reach out to us today to learn more about our alternative financial solutions and how we can help you succeed.

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